RV Green Energy

Car charging stations

Car charging stations

Car charging stations

Any questions?

RV Green Energy is a company that specializes in providing charging stations and cables for electric vehicles. Our mission is to make charging electric vehicles convenient and affordable for car owners.

If you want to purchase a charging station for your electric vehicle from the comfort of your home or office, we have exactly what you need. Our products meet high quality and safety standards, and we are proud to help develop the infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Charging station Enelion Welly
from 690 €
3.6 kW - 11kW / 1-3 phase
Cable length - 5m
LED charge level indicator
2 years warranty
Free installation
  • Aluminium body
  • Installation on the wall or pole
  • Charging possibilities: Plug&Charge/RFID
  • Simple to use
Charging station Easee Charge
from 990 €
1.4 kW - 22 kW / 1-3 phase
Cable lenght - 7.5m
LED charge level indicator
Wi-Fi, 4G, OCPP 1.6, RFID
Remote control by mobile app
2 additional 220W plugs
5 y warranty / 2000 charging session
Free installation
  • Aluminium body with 4 colors to choose (Black/Antracit/Red/Blue/White)
  • Installation on the wall or pole
  • Charging possibilities: Plug&Charge/RFID/App/OCPP
  • Wireless communication
Most popular
Charging station Easee Charge + Equalizer
from 1490 €
1.4 kW - 22 kW / 1-3 phase
Cable lenght - 7.5m
LED charge level indicator
Wi-Fi, 4G, OCPP 1.6, RFID
Remote controll by mobile app
2 additional 220W plugs
5 y warranty / 2000 charging session
Free installation
  • Aluminium body with 4 colors to choose (Black/Antracit/Red/Blue/White)
  • Installation on the wall or pole
  • Charging possibilities: Plug&Charge/RFID/App/OCPP
  • Wireless communication

What is an equalizer?

Easee Equalizer is a small smart device, designed to optimize your charging experience. It connects to your power meter and automatically balances the total energy level between your Easee EV charger and your building (home, apartment block or commercial building). It enables you to charge smarter, safer, faster and to install more EV chargers in your building.​

* Car charging stations are one of the mandatory parts of a complete package of Design of technical systems.

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