RV Green Energy

Design of technical systems

Design of technical systems

Design of technical systems

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Design plays a key role in any technical solution. It is the process of planning and creating a detailed description of a system, product or project before it is implemented. Design helps define requirements, specifications, architecture, technology solutions and other important aspects, making it the basis for the successful implementation of technical projects.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that design is not only a technical process, but also a creative one. It allows you to express the art of engineering, find optimal solutions and create innovative products.

Initial stage: design of automation control systems

The initial stage in creating comfortable and efficient premises. It allows for convenient monitoring and control of all technical systems, such as lighting, climate, security, based on the KNX protocol

Design of technical systems

Design of technical systems includes all the previous 4 services as:

1. Solar panels

Designing the power of a solar panel and battery station

2. Heat pumps

Design of heating and hot water supply systems

3. Ventilation and climate systems

Design of ventilation and humidification climate systems

4. Car charging stations

Design of wall-mounted and tabletop electric vehicle charging stations

5. Electrical systems design

Design of electrical supply systems for residential and non-residential premises up to 1000 Volts

Our team of specialists is ready to advise you on all issues and make a personal offer for you